After my studies in Foreign Languages (bachelor degree, in Bari) and International Relations (master's degree, in Venice), I moved to the Netherlands where I spent five years working with different NGOs in International development projects on various themes such as financial and social inclusion, peace building, rural development and social entrepreneurship. While working, I realized I needed to get a deeper grasp on international development tools and methodologies. This led me to attend two master's programs in International Development at the universities of Amsterdam, first, and of Nijmegen, later. In these years, my studies and work brought me to do research on the milk value chain in Tanzania and to facilitate and supervise training sessions on social entrepreneurship in the agrifood sector in Benin and West Africa, among others. At a certain point I felt the urge to leave and work on the field in order to learn from a closer perspectives matters related to rural development and food insecurity, at the same time measuring myself at different levels. I coordinated the last year of an AICS-funded project with farmers' organizations for CISV in Guinea, an opportunity that marked me in many different ways and that allowed me to delve into the AICS procedures, project administration and planning. Once the project was over I decided to come back to Italy and Apulia, where I was born, with the willingness of keeping contributing to the Italian agenda for International Cooperation, while fostering the debate and attention on themes related to international development, social inclusion and diversity here. The reason behind was that we need to raise the attention on how the change needs to happen at 360° degrees, starting from us and also in our (often too passive) societies, deconstruct the North-giver/South-receiver paradigm and cooperate in the name of mutual learning and inclusiveness.
In Apulia I have been coordinating and administering development projects on health in Ivory Coast and South Sudan and organizing public events to talk about development-related themes.
Through this course I would like to systematize what I have learned so far on project administration and bring them to the next level, putting the accent on what I need to improve, so to open up for new opportunities focusing on this aspect of the PCM.