Francesca is an Architect, Urban Planner, and Land Specialist. Her thematic interests are land tenure and displacement, land and natural resources management, including waterfront cities and transboundary water bodies, social cohesion, and community resilience initiatives against disasters, shocks, or conflicts.
Currently working on land for postconflict peacebuilding: good practices towards territorial peace and sustainability.
She graduated cum laude from the MSc. in Urban Management and Development at IHS, Erasmus University, Rotterdam (NL) in 2019, with a specialization in Urban Land Governance. Here, she completed a thesis on the land titling policy in Tirana, Albania, and its social impact on informal settlers. In 2016 she obtained a MS. in Architecture at the University of Ferrara (IT), with an awarded research on the climate-sensitive regeneration of the seafront of Havana, Cuba, with a focus on climate resilience, natural-based solutions, and land use planning for redevelopment.
My personal email is francesca@vanelli.it